About the collection

The Edward Clark Collection consists of around 5,000 items illustrating the development of the book from the 15th century. More specifically, it concentrates on the development of typography, the techniques of printing illustrations, and fine bindings. The collection is located within the Campus Library at the University’s Merchiston Campus.

edward clark 1864-1926_

Searching the collection

The catalogue of the Collection is fully integrated into the Edinburgh Napier Library Catalogue, so general searches will also retrieve Edward Clark Collection items.  Just enter your keywords, and perform your search.  Don’t worry at this stage if this finds a huge number of items.

Scroll down the results page to find the Library / Collections filter at the right-hand side, and select Edward Clark Collection:  you should now only be seeing items in the collection.

Special index terms have been added in the cataloguing of the Collection which should permit the use of specialist search terms such as metal clasps, decorated papers, armorial bookplates etc. in your search.